Chapter 2: Payload Image Format#

The Payload, as a standalone component, needs to be properly loaded by Platform Init into memory prior to execution. In this loading process, additional processes might be required, such as assembling, rebasing, authenticating, etc. Today, many Payloads use their own image formats (PE, ELF, FV, RAW, etc.), and it is very challenging for a Platform Init to identify and support all of them. To address this, FIT (Flat Image Tree) is chosen as a common Payload image format to facilitate the loading process. Rather than using FIT as a container for PE or ELF images, this specification uses FIT with flat binary images. Platform Init does not need to worry about decoding PE, ELF, FV, etc.

FIT [FITspec] is a long-established format for packaging firmware, Linux kernels, ramdisks, devicetrees along with configuration / metadata. It is flexible enough to have been extended several times over the years, including secure boot, FPGAs, multiple loadable firmware images, external hashed binaries, etc.

The file format is basically a devicetree, although often large binaries are ‘external’ to the FIT with a pointer from the FIT itself.

This format has many advantages:

  • Easy to dump and read (fdtdump)

  • Easy to parse, just a small layer on top of libfdt, which is itself a small library

  • Can also be implemented independently, as with fwupd

  • But still can be extended for more complex use cases

  • Provides full signature checking

  • FDT is widely used and understood in the industry (Linux, U-Boot, Zephyr)

  • Can support formats other than ELF if we want to allow that for simpler use cases (e.g. flat binary at a fixed load address)

  • Supports packaging multiple binaries. Certain platforms do need to load multiple binaries, so this provides a motivation for using FIT

FIT has a lot of options. For the purposes of UPL a subset of FIT is supported. See the FIT Schema for full details.

2.1 FIT Images#

An image is something which can be loaded into memory and executed. Where multiple images are loaded, only the first is executed; Platform Init loads the other images and provides information about where they were loaded to the executed image.

Images have various metadata associated with them, such as a timestamp, machine architecture, project name and compression.

Each image has its own node. Image nodes may use any name, but must not include ‘@’ characters. At least one image must be present. There is no upper limit to how many images may be present.

2.2 FIT Configurations#

A configuration is a collection of images for a given board or purpose. Each configuration specifies an executable “firmware” image and optional “loadable” images. All images are loaded before the “firmware” image is executed; and at least one configuration must be present. There is no upper limit to how many configurations may be present.

The default configuration is specified by a “default” property in the /configuration node. Configuration nodes may use any name, but must not include ‘@’ characters. It is recommended that they be called “conf-1”, “conf-2”, etc.

Where multiple configuration nodes are present, the “compatible” property is used by Platform Init to determine which configuration to use. This is a list of “vendor,model” strings in order from most specific (or desirable) to least. This may be used to support using the same FIT with many different boards, where Platform Init understands the concept of a compatible string and can make this determination.

Where no compatible string matches, for any configuration, the FIT cannot be loaded and Platform Init should generate an error indicating that no configuration matches, along with information about what compatible string(s) it was looking for.

Where no compatible strings are present, or Platform Init does not support this concept, the default configuration is used. In this case, there is no purpose to providing multiple images. Future revisions of this specification may use this to support configurations for different purposes, such as a recovery flow.

2.3 FIT Schema#

UPL conforms to the FIT schema but adds some additional requirements. These will be upstreamed to the FIT specification once finalized here. The structure is quite simple:

  • The root node holds an “images” subnode and a “configurations” subnode. These subnodes have no properties.

  • The “images” node has one or more image subnodes

  • The “configurations” node has one or more configuration subnodes. Configuration are collections of images

/ o image-tree
    └── description = "image description"
    └── timestamp = <12399321>
    └── #address-cells = <1>
    o images
    | |
    | o image-1 {...}
    | o image-2 {...}
    | ...
    o configurations
      └── default = "conf-1"
      o conf-1 {...}
      o conf-2 {...}

Below are the allowable properties for each node. Required properties, which must appear a valid UPL, are marked “(R)”. Optional properties are marked “(O)”. Platform Init must support both classes of properties.

Nodes with properties are shown in the tables below:


Usage legend: R=Required, O=Optional, OR=Optional but Recommended, SD=See Definition

Node: / (Root Node)

Table 2 Node: /#

Property Name


Value Type





General description of the Payload. This may be displayed to the user.




Last image modification time, as seconds in POSIX time format1. This is updated by any tool which creates or changes the FIT.




Total FIT image size including the FIT itself along with all the external images referenced by it (with data-offset and data-size). This size is required for parsing any loadable binary that should be loaded together.




Required alignment for images. Each image in the FIT is aligned to this value (‘data-offset’ property). Platform Init must ensure that each image is loaded to an address with this alignment, if no fixed load address is specified by the image.




UPL image specification version in BCD format 7 : 0 - Minor Version 15 : 8 - Major Version 31: 16 - Reserved For revision v0.90, the value will be 0x0090.




Payload build revision. Major.Minor.Revision.Build The ImageRevision can be decoded as follows: 7 : 0 - Build Number 15 :8 - Revision 23 :16 - Minor Version 31 :24 - Major Version


  1. When we get closer to 2106 we can consider allowing 64-bit values.

Node: /images/<name>

Table 3 Node: /images/<name>#

Property Name


Value Type





General description of the image. This may be displayed to the user.




Last image modification time for this image, as seconds in POSIX time format.




Type of the architecture for which this image is intended:

  • ‘x86”

  • “x86_64”

  • “arm”

  • “arm64”

  • “riscv”

  • “riscv64”




Type of the image. Must be “flat_binary”. Need it for compatibility with FIT spec.




Compression used to reduce image size:

  • “none” - no compression (default)

  • “lzma” - Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm,

  • “lz4” - Lempel-Ziv-4

If Platform Init should not decompress the data when loading it, this must be set to “none”.




Offset of image data, measured from the end of the FIT metadata, i.e. fdt_totalsize(FIT) bytes after the start of the FIT, aligned to a 4-byte boundary.




Size of image data in bytes. For compressed images, this is the size of the compressed data. The size of the uncompressed data is stored in the ‘uncomp-size’ property.



u32 / u64

This should not normally be needed, since Payloads should be loadable to any suitable address.

Where that is not possible: This is the required load address for the image. Value Type matches the machine word size. This must be provided for the ‘firmware’ image in a configuration, but is optional for others. Images without a load address can be loaded to any suitable location. They can also be left where they are in the FIT, i.e. not loaded at all.




Type of the image, indicating which project produced it 3:

  • “tianocore” - UEFI binary

  • “u-boot” - U-Boot

  • “op-tee” - Open Trusted Execution Environment

  • “opensbi” - RISC-V OpenSBI

  • “arm-trusted-firmware” - ARM Trusted Firmware

  • “linuxboot” - Linuxboot



string list

List of capabilities that the Payload has: (not defined) 4




Indicates the build system and version which produced the FIT




Size of the uncompressed data in bytes. If the data is not compressed, this can be omitted.



u32 / u64

If required, this is the offset of the image entry point from the load address of the image. For example, a value of 0x10 means that the image entry point is 16 bytes after the start of the image. If omitted, a value of 0 is assumed.



u32 / u64

If the image supports relocation, this is the offset of the start of the relocation data within the image.

Relocation is described below here: 2.4 Relocation. This ‘image’ must be loaded to the “load” address, or manually relocated by Platform Init.


  1. Devicetree stores values in big-endian format

  2. This string also indicates the word size of the target machine, i.e. 32 or 64. The #address-cells feature of device tree is not used since it requires a unit address in each node name that matches the ‘reg’ property and requires that a ‘reg’ property be included in each node (rather than ‘load’) which could be confusing. It is possible to omit the ‘reg’ property, but that results in a warning from the devicetree compiler dtc. Overall it seems better to use a separate mechanism, as is done here.

  3. Other project values will be allocated as needed and published in this specification

  4. Capability strings will be allocated as needed and published in this specification

Node: /configurations

Table 4 Node: /configurations#

Property Name


Value Type





Node name of the default configuration.

Node: /configurations/conf-n

Table 5 Node: /configurations/conf-n#

Property Name


Value Type





General description of the configuration. This may be displayed to the user.




Image name of the primary Payload image. This must correspond to a subnode of the “images” node. NOTE: Platform Init jumps to the entry address of the ‘firmware’ image after ‘firmware’ and ‘loadables’ are loaded.



string list

List of additional Payload images could be separately loaded by Platform Init. Each must correspond to a subnode of the “images” node. This may be used to provide additional images required for the Payload to run, such as FV files, data files, secure OS, etc. This is not required if ‘require-fit’ is true, since the payload can access any part of the FIT without needing this property to indicate which images are needed.



string list

List of compatible strings for Platform Init to use when selecting the best configuration, in order from most specific / desirable to least. This may be used to support using the same FIT with many different boards, where Platform Init understands the concept of a compatible string and can make this determination.




The presence of this property means the whole fit image shall be loaded together before Platform Init calling payload entry.

2.3.1 Example FIT#

Shown below is a FIT structure in source form (Image Tree Source) of a Tianocore Payload. It shows three images and a single configuration: the main image “tianocore” and 2 more images “uefi-fv” and “bds-fv”. “uefi-fv” and “bds-fv” are included to be used later by the main image after the main image is executed.

/ {
     description = “Uefi Payload”
     timestamp = <0x00000000>
     #address-cells = <0x02>;
     size = <0x00385000>
     spec-version = <0x00000100>;
     build-revision = <0x00010105>;
     images {
             tianocore {
                     description = "Tianocore edk2-stable202208";
                     timestamp = <0x00000000>
                     project = "tianocore";
                     arch = "x86_64";
                     type = "flat-binary";
                     capabilities = "smm-rebase", "...";
                     producer = "My company";
                     data-offset = <…>;
                     data-size = <…>;
                     reloc-start = <start offset of reloc table within data>;
                     entry-start = <0x121b10>;
                     load = <0x120000>;
             uefi-fv {    // showing how to have multiple images
           description = "UEFI Firmware Volume";
           type = "flat-binary";
                     arch = "x86_64";
                     project = "tianocore";
                     compression = "lzma";
                     data-offset = <…>;
                     data-size = <…>;
             bds-fv {
                     description = "BDS Firmware Volume";
                     type = "flat-binary";
                     arch = "x86_64";
                     project = "tianocore";
             compression = "lzma";
             data-offset = <…>;
             data-size = <…>;
     configurations {
             default = "conf-1";
             conf-1 {
                     firmware = "tianocore"

Note that FIT supports loading Linux, ramdisks and other types of data. These are not addressed by this specification, since it is beyond the scope of the Payload. Consideration will be given to these in version 2.0 of this specification.

2.3.2 FIT External Data#

When created in source form, the FIT includes a “data ‘’ property in each image node, which contains the contents of that image. When converted to binary form, the ‘-E’ flag is passed to mkimage to tell it to move the data outside the FDT structure itself. This is convenient since it locates all the FDT metadata in one place at the start of the FIT, with the image data at the end. In this case, mkimage removes the “data” property and replaces it with “data-offset” and “data-size” properties.

Each image in the FIT must be aligned to a 16-byte boundary, measured from the start of the FIT.

Additional images

The FIT may include several images. Platform Init must load each of these to the address provided.

If no load address is provided, Platform Init is free to load the image to any suitable address.

When calling the Payload, Platform Init must provide the addresses to which each image was loaded. This is done by updating the FIT load addresses for each image. This allows Payload to access related images when it executes. For UEFI these might include other firmware volumes (FVs).

All images must be loaded by Platform Init before execution of the Payload starts. The Payload is not permitted to load additional images for its own use, e.g. data files or firmware volumes. This ensures that a clean handoff is completed, regardless of the boot media being used. Some reasons for this include:

  • It permits verifying all images before the Payload is started, since it may not be possible for the Payload to report an error if something is missing or cannot be found.

  • It allows Platform Init to be in complete control of what is executed; this will become important when verification is added to this specification.

  • It allows Platform Init to choose the boot media being used.

2.3.3 Loading Process Example#

Here is an example of Platform Init loading EDK-II Payload:

  1. Platform Init loads or locates the FIT, obtaining a pointer to its start address in memory

  2. Platform Init looks up “configurations” -> “firmware” -> “tianocore” to know it is the main firmware binary blob.

  3. Either

    • Simple loading: When “configurations” ->”require-fit” present, Platform Init treats the whole FIT image as a single binary blob (no separate binary blob loading needed) and load the full FIT image to suitable address following FIT->size and FIT->align requirement. In this case, when Platform Init is calling the entry-offset of tianocore, it passes the handoff FDT to pass the addresses of the binary blobs within the FIT as per step 4.

    • Full loading: Platform Init firstly loads the “tianocore” binary blob from the FIT “images” list to address in its “load”, relocating if necessary. Note: if “tianocore”->“load” is not present, it means “tianocore” can be loaded to any suitable address. (no relocation needed). Platform Init then loads each desired binary blob listed by “loadables” to a suitable address. The handoff FDT is used to pass the addresses of where things ended up as per step 4.

  4. Platform Init sets up handoff information including the FIT address. When one of the “loadables” binary blobs is loaded by Platform Init, the FIT offset of that image node and the load address shall be reported as part of handoff information. Refer to Chapter 4: Payload Handoff Format /options/upl-image node for more information.

  5. Platform Init calls the “tianocore” image entry point function (“load” + “entry-start” or “new base address” + “entry-start”), passing the handoff information along.

  6. Tianocore starts executing, locates the firmware volumes and starts up normally.

2.3.4 Implementation#

To implement FIT, you can use libfdt, for example:

void *blob;
int images, node;
u32 offset, size;
const char *comp;
void *payload_data;

// load FDT into blob
images = fdt_subnode_offset(blob, 0, "images");
node = fdt_subnode_offset(blob, images, "tianocore");
comp = fdt_getprop(blob, node, "compression", NULL);
offset = fdt_getprop32(blob, node, "data-offset");
size = fdt_getprop32(blob, node, "data-size");
payload_data = blob + align4(fdt_totalsize(blob)) + offset;

To generate a FIT there are many options. Some examples are:

2.4 Relocation#

2.4.1 Motivation#


Relocation support is optional and only supports x86 for now. Relocation support might be deprecated from V2.0 onwards. Further discussion on relocation will be needed after v1.0 achieved.

Ideally, the Payload should be able to run from any aligned address. This is indicated by omitting the “load” property in the image node. In this case, Platform Init chooses a suitable address and loads the Payload there.

If the Payload must run at a particular address, it specifies this in the “load” property. Platform Init should try to honor this request. If it cannot, then the nly solution is to relocate the Payload. This is possible using the relocation information provided.


This is an undesirable situation. Payloads should be written to run at any address, where possible.

Payloads which cannot run at any address must provide relocation data. Otherwise it may not be possible to load them. We see fixed load addresses with TF-A, U-Boot, OpenSBI, etc. It is not possible to require everything in the world to be self-relocating. Quite apart from the complexity of it, for debugging, etc., it does add some code. See for example Linux, where it has its own decompressor, serial-output code, etc.

A ‘clean’ handoff is basically a jump from one lot of code to another, with the minimum of cruft in between.


  • Platform Init may not be able to load the Payload to the requested load address. For example, if the load address is 0x120000, some Platform Init may have something else at that address. This is not desirable but it may occur. EDK-II in particular is accustomed to relocating its images.

  • Relocation costs time. Provided that Platform Init can accommodate any provided loaded address, Platform Init may elect not to support relocation. In this case the image is loaded to the correct load address and run from there

  • Relocation adds complexity to Platform Init since, if it cannot honor the requested load address, it must process the relocations to update the Payload image before starting it.

  • On the other hand, self-relocation adds complexity to the Payload, since it must be capable of running at any address and relocating itself to the requested address.

2.4.2 Relocation Format#

Relocation is supported by appending a table to the end of the image. The table consists of a number of relocation records which can be processed by Platform Init. The table forms part of the image and is included in the “data-size” property.

A ‘reloc-start’ property is added to the image node to indicate where in the image the relocation data starts. So the total size of the relocation data is (data-size - reloc-start). Note that hashes include all data, including the relocation part. This is important since relocation could render an image inoperable if it were tampered with.

To use a load address other than that specified for the image, Platform Init must process the relocation data, Platform Init:

  1. Loads the functional part of the image into memory at the desired load address

  2. Calculates the offset from the desired load address, reloc_offset

  3. Scans the relocation table appended to the image, marked by reloc-start

  4. For each relocation entry (type, offset, optional addend), applies the relocation operation <type> to offset <offset> of the loaded image

  5. Once complete, the image is ready to run at the new load address required by Platform Init.


Another option was considered, with a relocation subnode with a separate data size and offset. This was considered more complex overall: it adds another subnode, meaning that the data to be hashed is potentially in two places. It also adds to tooling complexity. In particular, mkimage would need to be extended to support this. So having the relocation data inside the image data seems simpler overall.

/ {
     upl-size = <0x003850000>
     compatible = "universal-payload";
     upl-version = <0x0100>; // top 8 bits major, bottom 8 minor
     images {
                 tianocore {
                         description = "Tianocore edk2-stable202208";
                         data-offset = <payload offset>;
                         data-size = <payload size in bytes>
                     relocation {   // optional
                             data-size = <...>;
                             data-offset = <...>;

2.4.3 Relocation Records#

Relocation records consist of two or three words. where the size of a word is determined by the architecture (32- or 64-bit). The word size is determined by the “arch” property of the image. Relocations are always in little-endian format. Big-endian machines must byteswap each word.


Relocations may be expected to add 15% to the size of the binary.

The format is shown below:-

For 32-bit it is 8 or 12 bytes per record:






offset into program



relocation type in lower 8 bits symbol index (above that)



optional addend (depending on relocation type)

For 64-bit it is 16 or 24 bytes per record:






offset into program



relocation type in lower 32 bits symbol index (upper 64 bits)



optional addend (depending on relocation type)

Available relocation types are defined below. These may include arch-specific relocations and typically follow the values used by the ELF format. For now only x86 is supported. This will be a unified list of supported relocations (if other Arch also supports relocation):






u32 sym_addr += reloc_offset



u64 sym_addr += reloc_offset